I am starting this new review-writing-serial: Books Under The Name of PSEUDONYMS and I am a big fan of 'procrastination' instead of my characteristic I will try to give few sophisticated PSEUDONYMS books reviews once in a while (don't believe me!). I always have been fascinated with the underground writer because they have fucking disgusting ideas to throw under our belly but yet they are the best writer because, we human, had been trying to save our ass first. simply they were trying to save their bottom first as once coote tried, with that instinct they forget to hide their oblivion and gave the best writing ever in history. Recently A. J Finn had been caught on 'chronic lying' and got revealed he is the author of New York Times bestseller writer of the 'the woman in the window'. he is a clever writer and he chooses his pen name cleverly so he can put himself top on the Alphabetical order too, A.J Finn. 

Today I am not going to talk about him and his awesome scribble, but I am intended to write about The Convent School: Early Experiences of a Young Flagellant by Rosa Coote has written early in 1876 as of 'Miss Coote's confession'. I am really feeling great to write about a review of this glorious work of the Victorian erotic era. I don’t want to pen about her history and all. It is all over in the spider-web. Writing is not at all like Fanny Hill’s (Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure—popularly known as Fanny Hill. I will write a review on this grand pleasurable book someday, just stick with me I will introduce more books which you have never been encountered within your whole fucking life) story but at least you can dig in. Fanny hill is believed to be the first pornography-prose ever in English writing history and had supposed to go through banned and prosecuted. You can find this writing as vicious and someway horrible but still can get the attention of the ruthlessness of the protagonist. 

Basically, the story is, Lucille is raised by his father, Honorable Mr. Wanton. He is very strict on following disciplinary action. Lucille soon has to pay strict price does not begin obedience. Lucille's teacher Ms. Birch has been involved in strict behavior punishment, they both are trying to make her worthy of marrying but soon she escaped and reach Lord Dunwich and after that, the story takes a twist and turns like sweet Sacred hill. 

“There, there, that will do,” said Papa, in a very excited tone. “I’ve drawn the blood for her. Now, Miss Dunce, kneel and kiss the rod, and ask your kind governess to forgive you.”
BareBook Review's Rating
I slipped down on my knees, and hiding my face in my hands in her lap, promised Miss Birch “if she would forgive me now, to be a better girl in future.”

Written in the first-person narrative, cleverly entwined on the basis of sex logic, is the best-written form, at least for my satisfaction. This is not a fanciful story for most people unless they are a writer. The writer has a different subtle way to manipulate other’s story too. Do you know what I mean? When you suffer through the last paragraph where the scene is fabricating a mustache as a young gentleman, your veins would rustle through your air.

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